Gaffney Detention Center If you are human, leave this field blank.General InfoName *DL NumberStreet Address *City *State *SCALAKAZARCACOCTDEDCFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWYZip *EmailPhone *Date of Birth *Gender *MaleFemaleEthnicity *Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoRace *American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteOtherPrimary PhysicianMedicare Number (Part B)Do you have insurance other than Medicare?YesNoIf so, Insurance Carrier and IDMake sure to bring a copy of your insurance card to your appointment. If uninsured, you must check the box below to attest that the following information is true and accurate:I do not have any insurance, including but not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other private or government-funded benefit plan. For uninsured patients, please select at least one of the following that you will bring with you to your appointment.Social Security Number State identification number and state of issuanceDriver's license number and state of issuanceThis is needed in order to have your vaccine administration fee paid for by the United States Health Resources & Services Administration's COVID-19 Program. If you have Medicare and/or Medicare Advantage Plan, we need your red, white, and blue card to bill for the administration of Covid vaccine.Emergency Contact - Name *Emergency Contact - Relation *Emergency Contact - Phone *Administration Site for Vaccine *Left ArmRight ArmLeft DeltoidRight DeltoidLeft ThighLeft Gluteous MediusLeft Vastus LateralisLeft Lower ForearmRight ThighRight Vastus LateralisRight Gluteous MediusRight Lower ForearmLeft/Right Deltoid is the most common choice.Release of Information / Assignment of Insurance BenefitsI believe I understand the benefits and risks of the vaccine I have selected and ask that the vaccine be given to me or to the person named above for whom I am authorized to make this request. Under HIPAA provisions, I authorize the release of information about my immunization status and health status for continuing health services only which may include my referring physician or other health care agencies assigned to my care. All health information provided is held in strict confidence, following HIPAA regulations. I acknowledge receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices from Yorkville Pharmacy. Medicare or 3rd party patients: I do herby authorize Yorkville Pharmacy to release information and request payment for immunization services. I certify that the information given by me in applying for payment under Medicare or any 3rd party is correct. I authorize release of all records to act on this request. I request that payment of authorized benefits be made on my behalf. Should any information provided prove incorrect, thus denying payment, I personally guarantee payment for services rendered on my behalf and may be billed accordingly.SignatureReset SignatureDate * Immunization ScreeningHave you ever received a dose of COVID-19 Vaccine? *YesNoDon't Know If you have received a dose of COVID-19 Vaccine before, please list the manufacturer (example: Pfizer, Moderna) and the date of first dose.Have you received any vaccine in the last 14 days? *YesNoDon't KnowHave you ever had a positive test for COVID-19 or has a health care provider ever told you that you had COVID-19? *YesNoDon't KnowHave you received passive antibody therapy (monoclonal antibodies or convalescent serum) as treatment for COVID-19? *YesNoDon't Know[note: monoclonal antibodies does not include antibiotics that would be prescribed to you and filled at a pharmacy]Have you ever had a reaction to any vaccine? *YesNoDon't KnowPlease describe:Do you have any drug or food allergies? *YesNoDon't KnowPlease describe:(How are you today?) Are you experiencing substantial fever, diarrhea, or vomiting today? *YesNoDon't KnowPlease describe:Are you being treated by a doctor for a disease? *YesNoDon't KnowPlease describe:Which medications do you take? *Do you have any form of cancer, leukemia, or immune system problem (for example, taking cortisone, prednisone or other steroids, anticancer drugs, or x-ray treatments)? *YesNoDon't KnowPlease describe:Have you received a transfusion of blood or plasma or any medicine containing antibodies (immune or gamma globulin) in the past year? *YesNoDon't KnowPlease describe:For women: Are you pregnant or is there a chance you could become pregnant in the next 3 months? YesNoDon't KnowDo you smoke cigarettes? *YesNoDid you quit smoking recently?YesNoDo you breathe in a lot of other people's smoke? *YesNoI agree to be vaccinated today. I have received and understand information about the vaccine or vaccines I will receive. I have had my questions answered to my satisfaction. I authorize the provider performing this service to release to and access from my insurer (if applicable) and primary health care provider any medical or other information necessary. I authorize the payment of medical benefits to the provider performing this service.Patient's Name *Date *Please download and read the following COVID-19 Fact Sheets. Moderna EUA Fact Sheet, Janssen EUA Fact Sheet, Pfizer EUA Fact SheetConsent (check each box below after reading and signing): *I understand the benefits and risks of the COVID-19 vaccine as described in the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Fact Sheet (Moderna EUA Fact Sheet, Janssen EUA Fact Sheet, Pfizer EUA Fact Sheet), a copy of which I was provided with this Consent Form. I have had a chance to ask questions that were answered to my satisfaction. I request the vaccine to be given to me or to the person named above, a minor for whom I represent that I am authorized to sign this Consent Form.I Agree *I understand that I may be given a COVID-19 vaccine that requires 2 doses given 21-28 days apart depending on the manufacturer. If this is my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and it is 2 dose series, I intend to receive a second dose of the same vaccine in accordance with the timeframe specified in the Fact Sheet to complete the vaccination series.I Agree *I agree to stay in the vaccine administration area for fifteen (15) minutes or longer if indicated by the vaccine administrator after receiving my vaccine to ensure that no immediate adverse reactions occur.I Agree *I understand that I will be receiving the vaccination at no cost to me.I AgreePlease bring proof of eligibility to get the vaccine with you to your appointment.(ie, Id, work badge, meds to prove you fit in the current phase. You will be denied if you do not qualify for the current phase of vaccination approved by the state.Captcha *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit